Farmers’ Protest: Security forces fortify the Ghazipur Border | Concrete Slabs | Oneindia News

2024-02-13 222

Massive security arrangements are being put in place in Delhi and its borders ahead of the Farmers’ march. Massive deployment of police and paramilitary personnel besides multi-layered barricading have taken place to seal the national capital borders at Singhu, Tikri and Ghazipur to prevent the protesting farmers from entering the city during their scheduled 'Delhi Chalo' march on Tuesday. The police are also using drones to keep a tight vigil at border points, an official said, adding that they are fully prepared to deal with any law-and-order situation. Concrete slabs are being put to secure the Ghazipur border where presently less barricading has been done compared to the Singhu and Tikri borders.

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